Jul 26, 2023Liked by Dhruva Pandey

Hi Dhruva,

Looks like an interesting company though with a short history and young promoters.

I would share few of my observations and like to hear your views:

- Youtube subscriber count has been increasing much (https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/robuinlabs)

- Additionally they are not creating new videos/blogs/tutorials for engagement (last ones are more than a month old).

- Did not see any expense on IT security. Being internet first is good but you are exposed to vulnerabilities as well.

- Does the competition have deep pockets to create an online solutioning like them ?

- What spend/incentive is on sales team to get PO from enterprises/government ?

- Android app feedback is mixed bag.



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I think their main buyers are hobbyist and they come on their own, new hobbyist come through google search. As long as they have cracked SEO they are good, Youtube and all is very secondary.

On IT security you made a good point, something has to be asked to promoters.

competition from old offline guys going online is not a worry, there is no big offline player it has always been very fragmented unorganized industry but there are couple of new age online guys like robocraze, Xbotics and even Amazon etc.

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